domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

Parts list for unframed laser harp

Parts List for unframed laser harp:

    Jumper Wire
    Arduino Uno
    Step motor
    Resistor 220 ohms 1/4W
    LDR Light Sensor
    MIDI jack
    5k TRIMPOT
    Wine Cork Stopper
    Small Mirror Piece
    Green Laser Pointer
    Green Laser Safety Goggles
    White Gloves
    Power Supply, 5V DC, regulated 1A minimum
    Power Supply, 15V DC, regulated 5A minimum
    Power Supply, 9V DC, regulated 1A minimum

15 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

I would like make a laser harp like yours, I have a stepper motor 4 wire and it is a bipolar. I think yours is a unipolar because unl2003.
It is possible to control mine with the same configuration or it will be a problem?
(sorry for English, I'm French)

Ruete disse...

You can build this laser harp with this or any other stepper motors with other wire configurations.

Use this link to find out how to wire your stepper the right way:

or serach youtube for: How To Identify The Wire / Lead Of A Stepper Motor

Use baterries first and a lot of patience...

Unknown disse...

where is the light sensor placed? I don't see it in any of the pictures. Could you provide a little more detailed documentation as to how things are placed?

Unknown disse...

Where is the light sensor placed? I don't see it in any of the pictures. Is there any way you could provide a little more detail regarding the placement/construction?

Thank you in advance!

Ruete disse...

The light sensor is placed on a breadboard. It is a small LDR.
You can see pictures of it and schematics in the home page of this blog.
Here is the direct link of these images

Hope that helps!

Armin disse...


could you send me code for unframed laser harp on my mail , pleease :)

Thank You

Ruete disse...

Armin disse...

could you send me code for unframed laser harp on my mail , pleease :)

Thank You

Its Open Source Armin! The code is here:

RMI Laser Sales disse...


Thanks for providing us the list of parts for unframed laser harp. we are also deals in laser machines and other all related to laser services.

Keep Blogging!

Unknown disse...

Hello there I am attempting to build a laser harp off your design and i have a question or two.

1, with the stepper motor wires from arduino outputs 8-11 once past the uln transistor does it matter what order the wire for the from motor goes in?

2)I am alittle confused off the fritzing diagram about how the ldr and pot is wired i extended my pot to be on the outside of the case so do i just run the wires down to 3 holes next to each other ? also is the far left pin of the pot in the same line as the analog input and

3) what does the pot do?

the is my first attempt at electronics so im sorry im my questions are a bit daft. I pretty much got everything working minus the above, thank you!

Ruete disse...

@Joshua Hartman:

1) Yes it is important to send the right signal to the right path. ther right way will depend on the type of motor you are using.
Use this link to find out what works for your motor:

or search youtube for: How To Identify The Wire / Lead Of A Stepper Motor

Use baterries first and a lot of patience..

2)Not sure I understad your question right here but here it goes:
No, dont run the wires down to 3 holes.
You will use only 2 conections from the trimpot. This link may help you setup yout pot:

" is the far left pin of the pot in the same line as the analog input and

3) the pot is there because you will have to adjust it depending on the amount of light you have in the room you will use the laser harp.
What I eman by this is that the room will have some light and this should not trigger the "on" state of the system to pay a note. The only way I have found to adjust the sensitivity of the LDR is using a trimpot. If you dont adjust the trimpot to base level of room light the LDR could send a play note signal before you hit the laser with your gloves...

P.S. Always use googles when you work in your laser harp project. You can find some pretty cheap ones at

Unknown disse...

Okay i got a proper motor going but my uln2003 over heats sparks and smokes. any suggestions? also i switched to a 6 wire nema 17 motor with a rated voltage of 3.5 and 2 amps will the 15 volt 5 amp power supply be to much?

Evan Reynolds disse...

This is great! I'm trying to see if I can replicate this project and am pretty excited about it.

If you get some time one thing that would be awesome would be links to the parts you're talking about - I'm googling some of them and get no hits at all, so I'm just taking best guesses at parts, and I have no idea if I'm going to get the same part you used or not. Which is leaving me a lot of doubt about whether I'll be able to do this project without a lot more knowledge than I have yet!

Adding links to parts would make replicating this project so much easier I can't even tell you!

Ruete disse...

Since I have a lot of questions here I am thinking about making and update with more info here.
Subscribe to this blog for free and I will keep you posted on future updates.

Unknown disse...


Im really interested in the laser harp you've built. If you could let me know where you got the laser it would be greatly appreciated.

my email is

Rose Maria disse...

Let's say there's a very strong laser(eg. Carbon Dioxide Laser) and it shines on a mirror. Does the mirror reflect the laser, or the laser burn through the mirror, and why?

If the mirror reflects the laser beam, is the beam's intensity still strong enough to cause damage? Would be better if the approx percentage of the intensity is reflected.
Laser Technology